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The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rural Water District No. 2 of Cass County, Nebraska was held at 108 So. 4th Street, Elmwood, Nebraska on the 13th day of June 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Present were, Don Edwards, John Wagoner, Ted Retzlaff, Travis Isaacs, Martha Rhoades, Manager Mark Hogue, Assistant Manager Troy Callaway, Operator in Charge Dale Miller and Office Manager Tina Douglas. Eric Towle and Todd Hall were not at the meeting.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by newspaper publication and posting at the District Office, two of the designated methods of giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication (Certificate of Posting Notice) attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting and an agenda were emailed to the Chairman and all members of the Board and is attached to the minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

President –President Don Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Minutes were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: John Wagoner moved to accept the treasurers report and to pay the bills. Seconded by Martha Rhoades. Motion carried.

Assistant Manager’s Report: On May 13th Troy replaced a regulator at 262nd Street.
Mark and Troy both had a class in Ashland on May 15th for the hours needed for their license’s.
Routine samples were taken on May 20th
Troy read meters on May 28th.
Layne was here May 30th to install a new blow off on Well #3 to prevent air from getting in to our mains.
Troy performed draw downs on June 3rd. They were up a little from last month.
Troy did draw downs on May 1st. They are up a little from last month.
On June 2nd well #3 failed ground default so Layne stopped by on Monday morning and learned that the motor is bad and needs to be pulled.
Troy checked all generators on June 5th. The one at Tower #2 needs work. The panel is flashing. It will be inspected on the 13th. Troy also pumped out Tower #1 pit because all the rain water. The generator at Well #3 is down. It had radiator fluid on top of the intake and was low on radiator fluid. BJ Harris came out on the 7th to look at it.
A new AC unit had to be installed at the Well House on June 10th. The other unit split one of the tubes in the coil.
Layne came out on June 12th and pulled Well #3 and took it to their shop for repair.
Troy has also been busy doing locates and pit checks.

Administrative Assistant’s Report: – 13 delinquent letters were mailed on April 8th with an April 23rd shut off date. Money has been received by all.

Manager’s Report: —
1. Waiting on appraisals for 10” main project ~ Nothing new right now.

1. New water service at 4420 N. 178th in Native Grass Estates – #797. ~ Travis Isaacs moved to accept the application for water service for Account #0797. Seconded by Ted Retzlaff. Motion carried.
2. Website Update ~ We had a very informative training session with Alfonso from Schrock. We found a few other things that need to be corrected or included on the website and we both learned a great deal.
3. Omnis Billing Software ~ Mark and Tina met with Kendell from Omnis 7. Kendell will be working on getting our software updated. There are quite a few features that will be added to our program that will offer both Mark and Tina reports and information that they currently don’t have access to.
4. PayStar ~ Kendel from Omnis 7 put us in contact with the company PayStar. They make it possible for our customers to be able to easily pay their bill online. It works seamlessly with our billing program which will allow our customers to see what they owe, past balances and previous payments. There is a minimal fee to our customers and zero cost to the District. Ted Retzlaff moved to accept the proposal from PayStar and implement their bill pay system with our website. Seconded by Travis Isaacs. Motion carried.
5. First State Bank CD ~ CD was renewed at 2.78% for 18 months. There is another CD at AEB that will be up for renewal on the 21st.

Regular meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

Tina Douglas
Office Manager

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