The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rural Water District No. 2 of Cass County, Nebraska was held at 108 So. 4th Street, Elmwood, Nebraska on the 11th day of April 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Present were, Don Edwards, John Wagoner, Ted Retzlaff, Eric Towle, Todd Hall, Travis Isaacs, Martha Rhoades, Manager Mark Hogue, Assistant Manager Troy Callaway, Operator in Charge Dale Miller and Office Manager Tina Douglas.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by newspaper publication and posting at the District Office, two of the designated methods of giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication (Certificate of Posting Notice) attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting and an agenda were emailed to the Chairman and all members of the Board and is attached to the minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
President –President Don Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Todd Hall moved to accept the treasurers report and to pay the bills. Seconded by John Wagoner. Motion carried.
Assistant Manager’s Report: On March 23rd there was a water break on Hwy 43 and A Street.
Kerns was here March 24th to repair the 6-inch line break.
On March 26th Troy read meters
Layne removed the motor on the booster pump #2 on March 27th. It threw a bearing and was leaking. They took the motor with them to repair it.
Troy replaced an miu on March 28th that wasn’t coming in at 190th and Van Dorn.
Routine samples were taken on April 1st at Don’s and Brian Douglas’s home. Both tests came back negative. Troy also started draw downs. Everything is up from last year.
On April 2nd Layne was here to install the new motor in the booster station.
Troy checked a leak on April 9th that was located on Hwy 43. It was determined that it was not a leak but instead just ground water from all the rain.
Troy has also been busy doing locates and pit checks.
Administrative Assistant’s Report: – 15 delinquent letters were mailed on March 14th with a March 21st shut off date. Money has been received by all except #427.
Manager’s Report: —
1. Well #3 Building ~ Building has been completed.
1. Ted and Martha NRD ~
2. Website Update ~ Schrock will be contacted to set up a meeting between Thor, Alfonso, Mark and Todd.
3. Pickup ~ Tabled
4. 10” Main Project ~ Working on acquiring appraisals.
Regular meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Annual Meeting –
Todd Hall moved to retain John Wagoner and Eric Towle for an additional 3-year term. Seconded by Travis Isaacs. Motion carried.
Todd Hall moved to retain Don Edwards as Board President, John Wagoner as Vice-President, Ted Retzlaff as Secretary and Treasurer and current committee members for the 2019 Budget Committee. Seconded by Travis Isaacs. Motion carried.
Annual Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Tina Douglas
Office Manager