The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rural Water District No. 2 of Cass County, Nebraska was held at 108 So. 4th Street, Elmwood, Nebraska on the 21st day of February 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Present were, Don Edwards, Ted Retzlaff, Eric Towle, Todd Hall, Travis Isaacs, Martha Rhoades, Manager Mark Hogue, Assistant Manager Troy Callaway and Office Manager Tina Douglas. John Wagoner and Operator in Charge Dale Miller were absent from the meeting.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by newspaper publication and posting at the District Office, two of the designated methods of giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication (Certificate of Posting Notice) attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting and an agenda were emailed to the Chairman and all members of the Board and is attached to the minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
President –President Don Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Todd Hall moved to move from inter-monthly to monthly periodic financial reports. Seconded by Eric Towle. Motion carried.
Assistant Manager’s Report: On January 14th Troy and Mark replaced an miu and lid mount antennae at Deb Hanes.
Troy and Mark pot holed our line for the power poles on 226th and Van Dorn on January 17th.
A courtesy shut off was done in Walton for a customer that no longer has renters.
Meters were read on January 28th.
Troy took a state sample for pesticides and our two routine samples on February 4th. Mark and Troy also shut off and locked a pit in Wabash.
Troy and Mark replaced an miu on Holdrege that wasn’t coming in.
Troy has also been busy doing locates, pit checks and snow removal.
Administrative Assistant’s Report: – 11 delinquent letters were mailed on January 11th with a January 23rd shut off date. Money has been received by all. The Board was presented with a list of vendors/utilities that offered automatic withdrawal as a payment method. Tina was given approval to utilize the list of companies that offered automatic payment. List will be placed with the minutes and the Board will be updated if there are ever any changes.
Manager’s Report: —
- Well #3 Building ~ Building has been completed. Still need heat and lighting in well #3 building.
- Transmission Main / Easements ~ Tabled
- Incentives for allowing Easements ~ Tabled
- Our audit, conducted by Lengemann & Associates, has been concluded for the 2018 year.
- Annual dinner is scheduled for the 22nd of March at 6pm at Fireworks on 84th & Old Cheney in Lincoln.
- New Meter Pits ~ A cost analysis needs to be conducted for retro fit pits vs the cost of safety equipment needed for the older style pits. The Board will need to be presented with a schedule of replacing the pits and the cost of replacing them. Pit replacement should be placed on long- and short-term plans.
- Eagle is requesting to connect to our system for emergency water situations ~ This would need to be an engineer designed connection with meters and backflow devises on each system with locking valves. Our attorney would also need to be contacted and a contract drawn up if this is something the District would like to pursue. Mark spoke with Ted McIntyre. Ted does not think that this is something we should pursue and feels this is a one-sided arrangement. Ted doesn’t believe that Eagle has the capacity to supply us with water and we don’t know the quality of their water. Eagle would need to split the cost with us to have Bartlett and West see what connecting the systems would entail. Tabled.
- Fee for transferring service ~ The Board would like a breakdown of Tina’s time / what is needed to transfer a service. Tabled.
- Paperwork needed if a homeowner chooses not to use a regulator ~ Contact Attorney
- #621 Buckley/Judes ~ Martha Rhodes moved to have Mark or Tina draft a lien on the property for the full amount due and file with the courthouse. Seconded by Ted Retzlaff. Motion carried.
- New SCADA computer is here ~
- Credit Card Payments ~ We now have the ability to accept credit card payments over the phone or in person at the office. There is zero cost to the District for this service.
- Pump in Booster Station is being replaced ~
- Murdock Tower ~ The controls in Murdock were not switched from summer to winter and the tower froze. We are now feeding Murdock directly and bypassing the tower.
- New sample station at Eric’s shop ~
- Website ~ All information has been sent to Schrock and they are working on getting the website up and running.
- Update on Dale ~ Dale is doing well following his recent surgery. He has x-rays on March 8th and is hoping to be back in the office on March 11th.
Regular meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
Tina Douglas
Office Manager