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The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rural Water District No. 2 of Cass County, Nebraska was held at 108 So. 4th Street, Elmwood, Nebraska on the 13“ day of February 2020 at 7:30 p.m. Present were, Don Edwards, Ted Retzlaff, Eric Towle, Travis Isaacs, Martha Rhoades, Bill Ross, Manager Mark Hogue, Assistant Manager Troy Callaway and Office Manager Tina Douglas. Board Member Eric Towle was absent from the meeting.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by newspaper publication and posting at the District Office, two of the designated methods of giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication (Certificate of Posting Notice) attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting and an agenda were emailed to the Chairman and all members of the Board and is attached to the minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
President -President Don Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Travis Isaacs moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and to pay the bills. Seconded by Ted Retzlaff. Motion carried.
Assistant Manager’s Report: – Assistant Manager Troy Callaway reported that on January 11th the Well House lost power at approximately 3:30 am. Mark and Troy arrived at the Well House and found that there was partial power, but the generator was not working. They found that the generator was low on coolant and had a small crack in one of the hoses. The generator would still not start after repairs had been made. Mark and Troy then discovered that the breaker had been tripped. After resetting the breaking the power was restored. Gordon Electric will be replacing the breaker as the one that is currently powering the Well House is too small.
On January 21s Troy replaced the battery for the SCADA Control box in the Well House. Meters were read on January 27ih.
Routine samples were taken on February 4th at Don Edwards and Brian Douglas’s homes. All samples came back negative.
Troy and Mark replaced a regulator at Chris Rosenows home due to low pressure on February 11″, Troy has also been busy doing locates, pit checks and flushing lines.
Office Manager’s Report: – 16 delinquent letters were mailed on January 7th with a January 21″ shut off date. Money has been received by all.
Manager’s Report: —
Appraisals for 10″ main project – Appraisals are done. We have easements for all properties but one. Our attorney still has not heard from owner.
Average cost of new service installation ~ Tabled
Power Manager – Our new billing software is up and running. Payments are being entered into the new system and we will try to run bills for the first time towards the end of the month.
Annual Dinner – The Annual Dinner will be Friday, February 281h at 6:00 pm at Lazlo’s.
Monthly Budget and Yearly Comparisons ~ Tabled
First State Bank CD ~ This 12-month CD is currently earning an interest rate of 1.64% and matures on February 29th. Mark will check the current rates at First State and surrounding banks.
Regular meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Tina Douglas Office Manager

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