The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rural Water District No. 2 of Cass County, Nebraska was held at 108 So. 4th Street, Elmwood, Nebraska on the 8th day of September 2022 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Don Edwards, John Wagoner, Bill Ross, Martha Rhoades, Travis Isaacs, Kiel Lawrence, Assistant Manager Troy Callaway, and Manager Mark Hogue. Not in attendance Ted Retzlaff
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by newspaper publication and posting at the District Office, two of the designated methods of giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication (Certificate of Posting Notice) attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting and an agenda were emailed to the Chairman and all members of the Board and are attached to the minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Chairman Don Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:27 p.m. and he announced the open meetings act is posted on the wall in the office.
August Meeting Minutes approved as distributed. No corrections
Treasurer’s Report: Explanation/Update on financials by Mark. Motion to approve treasurer’s report by John -2nd Martha, Roll Call Vote – Motion approved 6-0.
Assistant Manager’s Report – Troy Callaway – Troy has been working on locates, worked with Lovell excavating to reconnect a meter pit on 129th and Holdrege. Working with customers and contractors to install a new water service on Van Dorn and on C Rd. East of Hwy 43. Took routine samples and started recording drawdowns on well #3 everyday. Checked chlorine residual everyday. Read meters on 8-23-22. Troy may have more notes to share at the meeting.
Larry Langer and Chris Juilffs- Alvo board members came to discuss Cass Rural Water supplying Alvo’s water system. Engineer study from the original request on 8-23-21 shows we do have capacity at that location for 75 potential meters, they say between 110 and 140 customers in Alvo. Alvo to secure funding before moving forward.
Office Report – 10 customers on the late list that will be sent a reminder if not paid by the 15th. Customer bills went out on 8-24-22.
Manager’s Report – Mark Hogue –
Letter to encourage water conservation. Mailer in spring or potential email
Copper and Lead Rule regulations and service inventory. Project to be completed by 2024.
Mickle Farms location to drill a new well in the future. Waiting on Lawyer for this easement.
Contractor Letter. Waiting on lawyer to review and approve.
Letter in the works for water usage education letter.
New service would need to be approved by the board at 238th and A St. The engineer study shows we have capacity in that area. Motion to approve account number 0818 by Travis – 2nd Don, Roll Call Vote – Motion approved 6-0
New service would need to be approved by the board at C road and 2 road. The engineers have studied this area in the past and we do not have capacity for any new services. Motion to decline request due to no capacity and the fact the location is not in the district boundaries by Travis – 2nd John, Roll Call Vote – Motion approved 6-0
Meeting Closed 8:50 pm by Board Chair Don Edwards
Travis Isaacs (Stevens Creek)
Mark Hogue Manager